Democrats – The Hidden Racists

This isn’t an attack on liberals, but a call to recognize the hypocrisy of a party that claims to fight for justice while perpetuating dependency and division. 

The Democratic Party, despite branding itself as the party of “inclusion and acceptance,” actively silences opposing views and enforces ideological conformity. Their entire history is deeply rooted in racism, and their current policies—such as opposing school choice and reinstating segregation in college dorms—continue to foster division under the guise of progress. Efforts to erase Civil War monuments and rewrite history conceal their legacy of slavery, lynching, and resistance to civil rights, keeping racial divides alive to expand government control. As Lord Acton warned, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Democratic policies align with the frameworks of Communism, Marxism, and Socialism (proof), relying on social engineering and suppression of dissent. Their attacks on Republicans—branding them as racists and extremists—are distractions from their own oppressive past. Republicans, rooted in biblical values, have long championed civil rights and equality, while Democrats selectively omit over a century of their racist history, conveniently omitting the first 100 years from .  

Preface on Slavery Statistics:

  • Slavery dates back through all of human history, with all races having been enslaved at one time – Link
  • Slavery was so common that as much as 30% of commerce worldwide was built on slavery.
  • In Africa, The TransAtlantic Slave trade co-existed with the Barbary Coast Slave Trade, And Arab Trade.
  • US Slave Traders did not hunt down, capture, and export slaves to the USA. They were purchased from other African Nationals that captured slaves from rival tribes. This fact alone shows how common and acceptable it was at the time, and still common today.
  • 7 million slaves exist TODAY in AFRICA. – Link
  • 1.2  Million White slaves were captured and enslaved in Africa. Link
  • Whites were enslaved by Barbary Coast Trade, but also some by Transatlantic & Arab Trades – Link

This painting from the 17th Century shows ransom being paid to free white slaves.

Democrats (Blue)  vs  Republicans (Red)

    • Black font  is neutral
    • Red font is Republican/Conservatives
    • Blue font is Democrat/Liberals

US History Timeline:

  • 1530 – 1780: Barbary Slave Trade – African traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli enslaved 1.9 million White Slaves in Africa. – Link
  • 1619: Africans sold other Africans to the slave traders. – Link
  • 1619 – 1865: 4.75% of the US population – only 15 states associated had slave owners (not all states). – Link
  • 1816: Abolitionists began opposing slavery, seeing it as an abomination. Most abolitionists are WHITE. Link
  • 1828: Democratic party gets its “Pro-slavery” start, a platform of individual rights, state sovereignty, and support of slavery. – link
  • 1830: “Black Masters” – 3,775 slave owners where BLACK in the South owned an estimated 12,760 slaves. –Link
  • 1832: The Democrats-Republican Party, under Andrew Jackson, drops ‘Republican’ from the name and became simply the “Democratic” Party
  • 1833: England passes Slavery Abolition Act
  • 1848: France abolishes Slavery
  • 1854: Northern “Whigs Party” becomes the Anti-Slavery Republican Party
  • 1857: U.S. Supreme Court rules slaves are “NOT citizens“.
    • Republicans voted against the ruling
    • Democrats voted for the ruling and succeeded
  • 1860: Republican Pres Lincoln elected Republican, AKA the “Anti Slavery Party.
      • 7 southern slave states secede from the Union
      • Democrats start the Civil War including “southern” pro slavery Whigs 
Democratic Campaign Material - Circa 1860
  • 1861 Republicans attempted Reparations or here called “retribution” in the context of punishing the Confederacy and its supporters after the Civil War. Republicans, who dominated Congress during Reconstruction, pushed for severe penalties against former Confederates. They sought to redistribute land, strip Confederates of political power, and enforce civil rights for freed slaves as a form of retributive justice.
  • 1861 Republicans Confiscation Acts  – Allowed the Union to seize Confederate property, including land and slaves, as a punishment for rebellion.
  • 1863: Republican Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are henceforward shall be free.” – Link
  • 1863: Republicans elect their First Hispanic Governor, Romualdo Pacheco of California. Dems wouldn’t until 1974.
  • 1864: The 1st “Party Switching” claim:

    The Parties did not switch but did have different goals for a new country (ex: Big gov vs Little gov)
    They never exchanged views on social rights or slavery rights.

    • Republicans – In favor of a strong national government and federal spending on internal improvements including initial “big” government, pro-income tax, social reform, and pro-economic intervention that more or less match up to contemporary Democratic policies.
    • Democrats – In favor of small “limited” government, pro-localism, and pro-states’ rights, which bear a striking resemblance to the contemporary Republican agenda today.
  • 1865: Republicans pass the 13th Amendment, which permanently outlaws slavery.
  • 1865: Republican White Men lead the world in putting an end to slavery in England, France, and then finally the USA. – Link
  • 1865: Democrat KKK Confederate soldiers from the Ku Klux Klan quickly focused on terrorizing blacks & white Republicans. – Link
  • 1866: Republicans begin reconstruction to fix the nasty problem the Democrats created:
      • Republicans promise retribution “40 acres and a mule” to former slaves.
      • Democrats reject it.
  • Republicans Disenfranchisement of Confederates – Many Southern leaders were barred from voting or holding office during Reconstruction.
  • 1867 Republicans Military Reconstruction Act (1867) – Divided the South into military districts, forcing ex-Confederate states to adopt new constitutions that included Black suffrage before rejoining the Union.
  • 1868: Republicans pass the 14th Amendment ratifying citizenship to all persons born in the USA
    • Democrats opposed it
  • 1868: Republican P.B.S. Pinchback (First Black American to become a governor) officially makes black people citizens. (Dems elect black Gov in 1960)
  • 1868: Democrats The Confederate general, believed to be the KKK’s first Grand Dragon, speaks at the DNC.
  • 1869: Republicans passed the 15th Amendment, giving black people the right to vote.
      • Democratic not a single one supported the bill
  • 1869: Democrats use intimidation at the polls to discourage black voters.
      • Democrats Tactics include poll taxes, registration fraud, and literacy tests to prevent blacks from voting for nearly a century.
      • Democrats leave Winchester rifles strategically dispersed near important voting precincts (2020 BLM riots, brick being planted Link )
  • 1870 : Republicans Hiram R. Revels, Republican of Mississippi, was sworn in as the first African American member of the U.S. Senate and the first ever to serve in the U.S. Congress.
  • 1871: Republicans President Grant dismantled the KKK and used the military to enforce laws to put an end to the Confederacy. Link
  • 1872: Republicans elect the first African American senators and representatives.
    • Hiram Revels (R-MS)
    • Benjamin S. Turner (R-AL)
    • Robert DeLarge (R-SC)
    • Josiah Walls (R-FL)
    • Jefferson Long (R-GA)
    • Joseph Rainey (R-SC)
    • Robert B. Elliott (R-SC)
    • William Holden (R-NC) fought vigorously against the KKK.
      • Afterward, white Democrats impeached him.
  • 1874: Republicans elect the first black speaker of the House, Joseph Rainey.
    • He was also the first black person to serve in the United States House of Representatives.
  • 1878: Republican  Senator Aaron Sargent from California introduces the 19th Amendment in Congress to give women the right to vote. – Link
    • Democrat-controlled Congress voted it out.
    • Democrats battle the 19th Amendment and oppose it for several decades.
  • 1884: Republicans invite John Roy Lynch, a former slave, to chair the Republican National Convention.
  • 1888: Republican plank includes an affirmation that the “sovereign right of every lawful citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign-born, white or black, to cast one free ballot in public elections, and to have that ballot duly counted.”
  • 1892: Republican platform specifically condemned the “inhuman outrages perpetrated upon American citizens for political reasons in the certain Southern States of the Union.”
  • 1896: Republicans are the first major party to favor women’s suffrage, and by 1896 three states had full suffrage for women, though it wasn’t until 1919 that women got the right to vote nationwide.
  • 1911: Democratic President Woodrow Wilson, the father of income tax, stuffs his cabinet with Dixiecrats and sets back the cause of civil rights for decades with federal segregation.
  • 1915: Democratic President Woodrow Wilson airs the racially charged “Birth of a Nation” movie in the White House.
  • 1916: Democrat President Wilson opposes women’s suffrage, and women picketed outside the White House.
  • 1916: Republican Jeannette Rankin is elected the first woman to serve Congress.
    • Also, the 1st woman was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and was affectionately called the “Lady of the house.” Dems followed up in 2007
  • 1918: Democratic Ku Klux Klan rises by targeting Jews, Catholics, and immigrants in addition to blacks.
  • 1918: Republicans introduce the Dyer Anti-Lyncing Bill. – Link
    • Republican Leonidas C. Dyer introduced H.R. 11279 to stop the lynchings, which were terrorizing Republicans and blacks to intimidate them into submission.
  • 1918: Democratic President Wilson finally joins his daughter, leading suffragist Jessie W Wilson Sayre, in the women’s right to vote. His delay cost him political strife.
Above: 1916 Women picket Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who initially opposed the woman’s right to vote.
  • 1919 Modern Democrats vs Nazi Germany A Shared Agenda

The left loves to call conservatives “fascists,” but when you compare actual behavior instead of labels, modern leftists behave much more like fascists than today’s conservatives do. It’s not about “left vs. right” anymore—it’s about authoritarianism vs. freedom.  So, Who’s Really the “Fascist” Today?

CategoryModern Democrats/LiberalsNazi Germany (1919-1945)
CollectivismThe group (race/class) > individual (Identity politics, DEI, state control)The group (state/nation) > individual
Big GovernmentExpansion of Gov power, regulation, social control, state-led programsState-led programs, centralized economy
Welfare StateUniversal healthcare, guaranteed income, reparationsProvided healthcare, pensions, jobs for compliance
Economic Control“Living wage,” ESG mandates, forced wealth redistribution“Economic rights” (state-controlled wages, jobs)
Education IndoctrinationPublic schools push CRT, gender ideology, historical revisionismNazi youth programs, controlled schooling
Censorship & PropagandaCorporate censorship, cancel culture, deplatforming, state-run narrativesControlled media, burned books, silenced dissenters
Racial FocusDEI mandates, systemic racism narratives, demonization of “whiteness”Aryan superiority, race-based policies
Militarized MobsBLM riots, Antifa, political intimidation of conservativesBrownshirts (SA) attacking dissenters
Social EngineeringRacial law, forced compliance, race-based hiring, forced speech laws, trans ideology enforcementRacial laws, forced compliance
Erasing & Rewriting HistoryCancel culture, statue removal, rewriting textbooks, digital book bans,
Omitting first 100 years of history on
Nazi book burnings, historical revisionism.
Religious CensorshipDe-Christianization, progressive rewriting of biblical teachings, targeting traditional religious valuesAttempted removal of the Old Testament, Nazi-controlled “Positive Christianity”

Both Nazis and modern liberals push race-based division, group identity over individual rights, and government control to shape society. 
The only difference is which race is targeted.  Learn More: LINK

Note: Members of the self-described “alt-right” movement are almost totally disconnected from the conservatism that we know today. They reject most mainstream conservative ideas, such as economics and foreign policy. Even Left-leaning biased CNN agrees -link here

  • 1919-1920: Republican Congress passed the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing women the right to vote.
    • Republican President Warren Harding =The first women voters from every state allowed to vote gave a victory to him
    • Republican Women did not forget that Woodrow Wilson had initially opposed suffrage in 1917.
  • 1921: Republican President Harding delivers a formal speech in Alabama condemning lynching. – Link.
  • 1921: Republican Homer P. Snyder proposes the Indian Citizenship Act granting full citizenship to America’s indigenous people. President Calvin Coolidge signs it into law.
  • 1922: Democrats Successfully Stop Republicans From Making Lynching A Federal Crime by creating a filibuster in the U.S. Senate.
  • 1924: Republican President Coolidge signs the Indian Citizenship Act granting full citizenship to America’s Indigenous people.
  • 1926: Republican Bertha Landes becomes the first female mayor. Landes served Seattle, Washington from 1926-1928.
  • 1929: Republican Octaviano Larrazolo becomes the first Mexican American United States Senator.
  • 1929: Republican Charles Curtis becomes the first Native American Vice President of the United States. He is Kansa, Osage Nation, and Potawatomi.
  • 1930: Democratic President Roosevelt (FDR) had a New Deal that prolonged joblessness for millions, and black people were especially hard hit. It likely extended the Great Depression
    • Democrats The New Deal gave jobs first to whites, paid blacks less than whites and then segregated the Conservation Corps.
  • 1939: Democrat and KKK Covergirl Margaret Sanger created “The Negro Project” and Planned Parenthood in 1939 to cull the black population, coded eugenics to eliminate the ‘unfit.’ – Link
  • 1939: Democrats authorities in New York permitted German American Bund rally (Nazis) at Madison Square Garden
  • 1942: Democrat President Roosevelt sends 120,000 Japanese Americans to during WWII. – Link

Democrat Eugenics & Birth Control

  • 1942 – Democrat-leaning Margaret Sanger’s American Birth Control League was rebranded as Planned Parenthood, solidifying her influence on reproductive policies. Later in 1960 sexual revolution: The FDA approved the first oral contraceptive pill
    • Pro-Democrat progressive, Sanger actively promoted eugenics, advocating for population control targeting minorities, the poor, and the disabled.
    • Her agenda contributed to the dismantling of the family unit, encouraging birth control as a tool for social engineering rather than just women’s empowerment.
    • The rise of birth control reshaped gender roles, increasing government dependency while weakening traditional family structures—effects still debated today.
    • There is a direct correlation between birth control and divorce rates
  • 1948: Republican Chief Justice Earl Warren, ended miscegenation laws restricting interracial marriage.
    • Republican Warren wrote: “restricting the freedom to marry solely because of racial classifications violates the central meaning of the Equal Protection Clause.”
  • 1948: Dixiecrats emerge as a breakaway faction of the Democratic Party determined to legislate racial segregation. Link
  • 1948-1954: Democrat President Truman issues Executive Order 9981 to end segregation in the Armed Services.
    • Democrats – The first integrated armed services began with the Korean War when heavy casualties forced segregated units to merge for survival.
    • Democrats – The Army’s last segregated units were finally disbanded in 1954.
  • 1950’s:Democrats – various Klans in the South acted as a “strong-arm” for many local Democratic politicians
  • 1954: Republican lawmakers outlawed segregation in public schools by declaring that “separate but equal” public schools for black and white students were unconstitutional.
    • Brown v. Board of Education legally ended, though some schools remained segregated.
    • Democratic Governor of Arkansas, Orval E. Faubus, orders the Arkansas National Guard to prevent black students from attending Little Rock Central High School.
    • Republican President Eisenhower removed the National Guard from Democratic state control, then sent in Federal Troops ~ the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army to stop Faubus from the obstruction of justice.
  • 1956: Republicans propose School Choice
    • Democrats oppose it – 
      Schools are segregated by income, social status, and IQ.

School choice policies are often criticized for being disproportionately accessible to those with higher income, social status, and education levels, effectively segregating opportunities by wealth and background. Donald Trump advocated for expanding school choice, emphasizing alternatives like charter schools, private schools, and homeschooling.

The New York Times (a liberal newspaper) points out that wealthy Democrats are against better housing and “school choice” because they want to keep their neighborhoods ‘safe’ – 

see NYT Opinion Video Link

  • 1956: Democrat Theophilus Eugene “Bull” Connor, who defended segregation, forced the raid of the home of black Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth and had 3 of his minister colleagues arrested for the false charge of vagrancy.
  • 1957: Republican President Dwight Eisenhower signs the Civil Rights Act on Sept. 9 1957 making it illegal to suppress another’s right to vote.
    • Democrats reject and begin filibustering the Civil Rights Act to water down the rights of blacks.
    • Democrats make it difficult for blacks to vote in many southern states and started requiring literacy tests.
  • 1959: Republican and First Asian Senator, Hiram Fong, from Hawaii. 
    • He served from 1959 until 1977.
    • Fong also was the first Asian American to receive votes for president at a major party convention.
  • 1960: Republicans enacted the 1960 Civil Rights Acts, a federal law establishing inspection of local voter registration polls and introducing penalties for anyone obstructing voting privileges, enabling blacks and Hispanic Americans to vote without harassment.
Above: Republican President Eisenhower passes Civil Rights Act of 1957 to ensure black Americans right to vote.
  • 1963: Democrat Governor George C. Wallace blocks black students from registering at the University of Alabama.
  • 1963: The following month Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. Link
  • 1964: Democrat President Johnson’s campaign runs an ad titled “Confessions of a Republican” with false, misleading, and exaggerated claims to ensure election. – Link
    • Democrats learned that accusing a Republican of being racist (Link: without evidence) was a potent political weapon. It would not be the last time they used this tactic.
  • 1964: Republicans deploy “The Southern Strategy” in the North to attract white voters in the South by appealing to being against racism towards black Americans. The Southern Strategy successfully pulled many white, conservative Southern Democrats into the Republican Party.
  • 1964:   The 2nd “Party Switching” Myth:

    • No “Party Switching”; no Republicans became Democrats
    • Republicans, stayed Republicans. 
    • 2 Democrats became Republicans:
      • Miles Godwin
      • Strom Thurmond

Those that remained Dixicrats/Democrats:

If you believed in the party switch myth, then you’ve succumbed to a rebranding attempt by Democrats leadership. They were embarrassed that their party supported slavery. 

  • 1964: Civil Rights Act –

Johnson faced resistance from his own party, relying on Republican support to pass the Civil Rights Act, which angered Southern Democrats. Realizing black Americans would gain voting power, he saw an opportunity to secure their loyalty despite his personal views. His War on Poverty expanded welfare but weakened black family structures, creating long-term government dependency. This marked the shift from Democrats being the party of segregationists (although they are trying to segregate again today) to one focused on minorities and government programs, reshaping their voter base for long-term political gain. 
Implying politically motivated, Johnson says:

 “I’ll have them n-ggers voting Democratic for 200 years” 
– President Johnson
  • 1964: Democrat Lyndon B Johnson War on Poverty: These initiatives helped expand welfare support for low-income families, but that created disincentives for work and marriage, particularly among single black mothers. Thus removing black fathers and the nuclear family structure, further supported by leftist feminism. Thus, big government democrats were creating their voter base committed to voting and aligning to the left to keep the benefits. – Evidence? = Liberal Based Article Link.
  • Civil Rights – Despite being a Democrat, Johnson relied heavily on Republicans to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In the Senate:
    • Republicans, 82% voted in favor
    • Democrats, 27% voted in favor
  •  1965: Democrats – Jim Crow” was a derisive slang term for a black man. The so-called “Jim Crow Laws” were really not laws but unwritten rules of white supremacy and segregation. –Link
    • Democratscontinued to defend the “Jim Crow” laws, where state & local laws mandate segregation.
    • Democrats, aligned with the Jim Crow laws set by white supremest democrats – Link.
    • Democrats erected Confederate Status – link.

Affirmative Action

1965: Democrats – Affirmative Action – Affirmative action began with the issuance of Executive Order 11246 by President Lyndon B. Johnson;

Why Johnson Had No Choice: 

Republican Pressure – The Civil Rights Movement had strong bipartisan momentum, with Republicans playing a crucial role in advocating for civil rights. The Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960, both signed by Republican President Eisenhower, laid the groundwork for stronger legislation. Johnson, a Southern Democrat, had to follow this trajectory or risk a political backlash. Plus, it was a way to create a new controllable base.

Racism Increased Against White

Key Arguments Why Now Opposed:

  • Violation of Equal Treatment: Opponents claim it violates the principle of treating everyone equally regardless of race, as it prioritizes race over merit or qualifications.
  • Reverse Discrimination: It may disadvantage individuals from non-preferred racial groups, leading to claims of “reverse racism,” where opportunities are denied based solely on racial identity.
  • Perpetuation of Stereotypes: Critics argue that affirmative action reinforces stereotypes by implying that certain racial groups need extra help to succeed, potentially undermining individual achievements.
  • Exclusion of Socioeconomic Factors: Some say it ignores economic disparities within racial groups, benefiting affluent individuals of certain races over disadvantaged individuals of others.
  • Zero-Sum Perception: Affirmative action is seen as creating winners and losers in a fixed pool of opportunities, where one group’s gain is another’s loss, fueling racial tensions.
  • 1965: Malcolm X was assassinated by some “Nation of Islam” members. – Link
    • Malcolm X stated that racism itself, not white people, was the greatest foe to African Americans.
    • The Ku Klux Klan killed his father.
    • Malcolm X did not like Democrat President Johnson and had much disdain for Democrats in general. Here is his famous “Chump” speech saying: 
    • “if you vote Democrat, you are a traitor to your race” – Malcolm X
  • 1967 Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall – 
    America’s first black Supreme Court justice
      • Democrats furnished 10 of 11 votes against
      • Republicans 69 confirmed him
  • 1968: Democrat James Ear Ray shot and killed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Above, Malcolm X discusses “political maturity” 
and his disdain for the Democratic Party

  • 1968 Gun Control Act – “to Control Blacks”

    • Democrat Anti-gun journalist Robert Sherrill admitted that the Gun Control Act was “passed not to control guns but to control Blacks.”
    • Democrat Gun Control Laws are Designed To Disarm Slaves And Black Americans. Link

      The law expanded the federal list of prohibited persons, including those with felony convictions, which disproportionately affected Black men due to systemic over-policing.

        • Bans on mail-order guns: One of the justifications for the law was that Lee Harvey Oswald had purchased a rifle via mail-order. However, a secondary effect was limiting Black Panther Party members’ access to firearms.
        • License and record-keeping requirements: These provisions made it easier for the government to track and restrict gun sales, a measure that critics argue was selectively enforced against minority groups.

      Democrat-backed gun control policies continue to affect Black Americans disproportionately:

        • “Universal background checks” and “red flag laws” are often used to disarm minorities in crime-ridden areas.
        • Strict gun laws in cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles effectively disarm law-abiding Black citizens while criminals remain armed.
        • Mandatory gun licensing and high fees make legal firearm ownership more difficult for lower-income Americans, disproportionately affecting Black and Hispanic communities.
  • 1969: Republican President Nixon appoints Vice President Agnew to lead a multi-racial task force to integrate schools.
    • Was Nixon a racist? Certainly not: VIDEO RIGHT: Dr. Carol M. Swain, formerly Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, explains how the media used Nixon as “the media’s all-purpose bad guy” to describe the Southern Strategy. She unravels the false narrative that perpetuates today.
  • 1977: Democrat Joe Biden said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to grow up in a racial jungle.”
  •  1980s – Black Crime – Democrat Encouragement:

    • Democrat policies have contributed to the weakening of the Black family structure and the rise of fatherlessness. 
    • Proof from Liberal Media (NYT Link

Key factors include:

      • Welfare Programs – Incentivized single parenthood by providing benefits contingent on the absence of a male head of household.
      • Cultural Influence – Democrat-aligned media and entertainment industries promoted hip-hop and rap that glorified crime, gang culture, and fatherlessness.
      • Family Breakdown – Nearly 70% of Black children are now born to single mothers, a trend strongly linked to negative social outcomes.
      • Crime Statistics – Despite making up 12% of the U.S. population (6% being Black males), Black Americans are responsible for 52% of murders, reflecting the impact of fatherlessness and destabilized communities.

These trends highlight the long-term consequences of Democrat-led social policies, perpetuating cycles of poverty and criminality.


  • 1980: Republican President Reagan became president, and the Republican party’s hold on white Southerners was firm. Today, the Republican party remains the party of the South. This is an ironic outcome, considering that a century ago, white Southerners would’ve never considered voting for the party of Lincoln.
  • 1983: Republican President Ronald Reagan signed the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday by executive order.
  • 1984: Republicans elect Jim Koble of AZ, an openly gay member of Congress and the only openly gay Republican in the House.
  • 1985: Democrat Joe Biden used the “N” word 13 times Senate Hearing. Link
  • 1986: Republican lawmakers installed the Federal Holiday signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1983 to coincide with the birthday and to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Above: Republican President Ronald Reagan signs the executive order to recognize Martin Luther King Jr. day as a national holiday.
  • 1988: “White Privilege”

    • 1988: Democrats coined “White Privilege to depict Black Americans as victims of systemic racism, which serves a few purposes:

    • Political Purpose:
      • This reinforces the narrative that America is inherently racist.
      • Ensures Black Americans continue to see the Left and Democrats as essential for addressing racial issues.
      • They continue to see whites as racists.
    • Contradiction:
      • Despite Asian Americans being more successful than White Americans in areas like education and income, the “White Privilege” narrative focuses on Black Americans’ struggles, which keeps the political focus on racial injustice.
  • 1989: Republican Illean Ros-Lehtinen, a Cuban American, becomes the first Latina elected to Congress. She is the most senior-ranking Republican woman in the U.S. House of Representatives.
  • 1993: Democrats – The Democratic Party finally elects their first African-American Senator.
  • 1995: Democratic President Clinton asks to build a border wall to stem the tide of illegal aliens. The irony, considering Trump would later be called a xenophobe and racist for continuing the effort. 
  • 1995: completely omitting their first 100 years racist past.

Welfare Creating a Dependent Voter Base

1996: Democrat Welfare Reform Act – Signed by President Clinton, this law reshaped welfare but, like Johnson’s 1964 policies, continued to discourage marriage and increase single motherhood. By making welfare benefits contingent on the absence of a male provider, it aligned recipients to vote Democrat for continued support. Historically, Black families had strong marriage rates. 

    • 1890–1950: Black women had a higher marriage rate than white women.
    • 1950–Present: Marriage rates among Black women declined, reversing the historical trend.

      Black Single Motherhood Rate (Percentage of Black Children Born to Unmarried Mothers):

      • 1940: ~10%
      • 1960: ~20%
      • 1970: ~38%
      • 1980: ~55%
      • 1990: ~65%
      • 2000: ~70%
      • 2010s – Present: ~72-77%

This trend reflects how Democrat welfare policies since 1900 eroded family stability while securing a dependent voting base. Link: Family Studies and US Census Records

  • 2005: Republican President George W. Bush appoints Republican Alberto Gonzales as the 80th US Attorney General. Gonzales became the highest-ranking Hispanic American in the executive government to date.
  • 2006: Republican Coretta Scott King voted for Nixon, Ford, and Reagan before she died (MLK’s wife).
  • 2006: Republican The Secure Fence Act (2006)—This legislation mandated that the Department of Homeland Security construct about 700 miles of border barriers on the US-Mexico Border. It passed with bipartisan support and resulted in presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama building about 350 miles of the wall.
    • Later, Trump would be labeled a xenophobe and racist by liberal media for the same discussion.
  • 2008: Democratic President Obama elected
    • Republicans – Some racism in the beginning, But no rioting.
    • Democrats had no problem with confederate statues during the entire presidency of Barack Obama from 2008-2016.
    • Democrats – The historical monuments only became racist to liberals when Trump became president.
  • 2008: Democrats Biden Says: “you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”
  • 2009 Democrat Obama Edited Fake Birth Certificate Link Proof 
  • 2010: Democrat Biden warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.”
  • 2010: Democrat Robert Byrd was the last member of Congress to hold membership in the KKK.
      • Hillary Clinton called Byrd her “mentor.”
  • Authors note on Reparations: Republicans have made a few attempts for reparations when it was able to affect those it hurt directly in the 1800’s. Today, Liberals have pushed for reparations since the Civil Rights era (long past such a time frame). That said, if we can ask for reparations from the past, as a German born American, i’m still patiently awaiting the Roman empire, the Vikings, the Ottoman empire, and yes Africans from the slave trade, to pay me back for the slavery of my ancestors. 
  • 2011: Republican Governor of New Mexico, Susana Martinez, becomes the nation’s first Latina governor.
  • 2011: Republican Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, appointed by President Reagan, authored the ruling legalizing same-sex marriage. He was the swing vote.
  • 2013: Democrat Black Lives Matter is founded. The founders publically admit they are training in Marxism and use it as a foundation for their principles. Further, they have been invested in dozens of expensive homes they purchased, using the proceeds that were meant to support the BLM movement. Link for More
  • 2016: Republican Peter Thiel, who is openly gay, founder of Paypal, was invited to speak at the Republican National Convention.

Above, openly gay Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal speaks at the 2016 Republican Convention about why he is a Republican.

  • 2016: Antifa

    • Antifa rises as a conglomeration of leftist militants to terrorize the right side of the political spectrum.
    • The original Confederates were Democrats in the 19th century, pointing out that the Democratic political party is trying to rewrite history by distancing itself from its past associations with racism and segregation.
    • Antifa Democrats begin tearing down Confederate statues to erase their racist past so people forget (and then repeat it?). This Is Why They Came Down. Republicans want to learn from our history, not hide it. Keep it up as a reminder of our wrongdoings so as not to do it again. Democratic leaders are trying to hide it just as they hide it from
  • 2017: Democrat leaning media, including Joe Biden, claim falsely that President Trump was pro white supremacy and endorsed it.  Even Biden knowingly used it in his campaign. – Link
  • 2017: Republicans offered school choice to free children trapped by zip code in failing schools, allowing blacks to choose their own schools.
  • 2017: Republicans H.R.2989 – the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission Act. In honor of American social reformer and abolitionist Frederick Douglass, to plan, develop, and carry out programs and activities on the bicentennial anniversary of his birth and to recommend the federal government entities appropriate to carry out such programs and activities.
  • 2017: Republicans – H.R.228 – Indian Employment, Training, and Related Services Consolidation Act of 2017.
  • 2018: Liberals push for Student Housing Segregation by race. Link
  • 2018: Republicans prioritized women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.
  • 2018: Republicans H.R.1306 – Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act. 17,519 acres of land be part of the reservation of the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians.
  • 2018: RepublicanH.R.1927 – African American Civil Rights Network Act of 2017 This law establishes a Civil Rights Network in the National Park Service.
  • 2018:Republican H.R.267 – Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act of 2017.
  • 2018: Republican Trump in office, and Black unemployment rate falls to 6.8% ~ historic lows
  • 2018: Liberal Study – White Liberals Dumb themselves down to speak to black people. Link
  • 2019: Democrat Biden says “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
  • 2019: Democrat Biden refuses to apologize for working with racist senators
  • 2020 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
    DEI was initially pushed by progressive movements but was later encouraged by Republicans, who then realized it was backfiring.

    While meant to foster inclusivity, DEI led to workplace tension, division, reverse discrimination, and victimhood culture—common patterns of social engineering. As a result, many corporations, including the FBI, have dismantled their DEI departments.

    Companies Rolling Back DEI:
    Meta, McDonald’s, Walmart, Boeing, Ford, John Deere, Harley-Davidson, Toyota, Molson Coors, Jack Daniel’s.

    Issues Caused by DEI Policies:
    Favoritism, exclusion, polarization, tokenism, and erosion of meritocracy.

  • 2020: Liberal student-led task force at New York University petitioned for segregated Black student-only housing Link
  • 2020: Riots and Statues Democrats feel it is ok to be violent and destructive during protests. Is that the act of a peaceful political party?
  • 2020: Democrats throughout the riots, statues are being tumbled as a political statement about racist history. As stated earlier, the democrats ‘were’ the racists, and they are the ones taking them down, in effect erasing their history. How much more obvious does this need to be?
  • 2020: Democrat Biden says, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
  • 2020: New York Times Article“Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality” Link
  • 2020: Republican Perspective: If racism is forgotten, how will our children know it was wrong without examples to reflect on? 
  • 2021: New York Times article admits that Democrat leadership isn’t effective, because of democratic self-gain interests.
  • 2022:Liberal Schools – Reports indicated that many universities implemented policies and programs aiming to segregate students by race.
  • 2023: Republican Voter ID Law: A Study by the National Academy of Science shows Voter ID laws aren’t discriminatory and do not suppress anyone’s vote. Link
  • Republican Trump hosts a video denouncing racism 38 times. Even Liberal news sources and fact-checkers concur. But the left completely ignores this reality. Link
  • 2024: AP Press says, “Biden at 81: Sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful.” 
  • 2024: House Oversight Committee going after Biden (not Trump) for China and Ukraine deals
  • Democrat Joe Biden pushes through Dept Of Defense Directive 5 240.01 to use of Military on civilian protestors, even though the left says Trump will do this, turns out Biden did it. 
  • 2024 Republican Trump election win was in large part due to the Latino community. Why? Exit polls say they know communism and socialism and didn’t want to see that in the USA.
  • 2024 ABORTION – Republican Trump NEVER WENT AFTER abortions. He left it in the hands of the states. 47states still allow abortions, including all democratic strong holds. – Link
  • 2024: Republican Trump’s website shows a video with 38 times Trump had spoken out AGAINST White Supremacy (video link)
Perhaps the best way to prove a political party is of mutual respect and peace, is not by contributing to violent mob riots?

Joe Biden’s Long History of Racism:

  • 1977: He said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”
  • 1970s: He was a staunch opponent of “forced busing” and worked with segregationist senators to oppose mandatory busing. Decades later, this led to Kamala Harris confronting him during her presidential campaign, saying his actions personally impacted her as a young girl.
  • 1979: Biden voted to allow racially segregated private schools to retain their tax-exempt status.
  • 1981: He remarked that George Wallace, known for his pro-segregation stance, was “right about some things.”
  • 1984: Biden referred to civil rights leader Jesse Jackson as “boy,” a term with racist connotations.
  • 1985: During a Senate hearing, Biden used the “N” word 13 times while quoting a memo.
  • 1987: During his presidential campaign, Biden highlighted an award he received from George Wallace in 1973, where Wallace praised him as “one of the outstanding young politicians in America.”
  • 1980s-1990s: He led the crusade for mass incarceration, describing African-American felons as “predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate.
  • 2006: Biden said Barack Obama is “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.”
  • 2006: He remarked, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”
  • 2010: He warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, calling him “one of my mentors” and stating, “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.”
  • 2019: Biden stated that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” implying a correlation between poverty and race.
  • 2019: He mentioned that during his time, he was able to get along with segregationist senators, which drew criticism for seemingly downplaying their racist views.
  • 2020: In an interview, Biden said, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” a comment that was widely criticized for questioning the racial identity of Black voters. 

Watch Video: 
The Moment She Realizes That Her Hero,
Joe Biden Doesn’t Like Black People

Example of Biden’s corruption, with the most Presidental Pardons in History

Trump Condemned Racism / White Supremacy

THIRTY EIGHT TIMES before his 2nd Term 

The left-leaning media ignores this fact. – LINK or see the video with Trump:

Wealthy Elite  Align are Democrats

Note: This is why the Trump Adminstration has gone after USAID.

Economic Policies Favoring the Wealthy
  • Big government spending leads to massive federal contracts, bailouts, and subsidies that benefit corporations.
  • Regulatory capture: While Democrats promote “regulation,” major corporations write the rules in ways that benefit them and crush smaller competitors (e.g., Big Tech’s influence over content moderation, finance rules favoring hedge funds).
  • Stock market dependency: Wealthy investors benefit from Democrat-led stimulus spending and monetary policies that inflate asset prices.
Control Over Cultural Institutions
  • Media, academia, and entertainment are overwhelmingly left-leaning, which allows elites to shape public perception while diverting attention from class inequality to social issues (e.g., race, gender).
  • Big Tech censorship often favors narratives that protect establishment interests.
Mass Immigration & Cheap Labor and Globalism
  • Democrats push for lax immigration policies, benefiting corporations that rely on cheap labor
  • Wealthy urban elites don’t feel the downsides of mass migration like the working class does.
  • Democrats have increasingly embraced corporate globalism, pushing trade policies that help multinational corporations while outsourcing jobs.
  • Republicans, especially under Trump, pushed economic nationalism, which threatens the elite’s offshoring profits.
Taxation & Loopholes
  • While Democrats talk about taxing the rich, they rarely close loopholes that benefit billionaires (e.g., stock buybacks, offshore accounts, carried interest for hedge funds).
  • Higher taxes often hurt upper-middle-class earners more than the ultra-wealthy, who have accountants to dodge them.
Social Progressivism as a Smokescreen
  • The wealthy elite support woke culture not because they care, but because it serves as a distraction from economic inequality.
  • Corporations push progressive causes (LGBTQ, DEI, climate change) while continuing to exploit workers, avoid taxes, and consolidate power.

Wealthy Elite Align are Democrats

  • ✅ Trump won voters making under $100K
    In both 2016 and 2020, Trump performed better among working-class and lower-income voters, especially non-college-educated white and Hispanic voters.

  • ✅ Democrats won voters making over $100K
    Biden won high-income earners, particularly in urban and suburban areas. Exit polls show a clear shift where affluent, college-educated professionals now vote Democrat.

  • ✅ Biden had 2 billionaires to every 1 Trump had
    The majority of America’s wealthiest individuals, including major figures in tech, media, and finance, backed Biden.

  • ✅ 75% of hedge funders gave to Kamala Harris
    Wall Street and hedge fund contributions have increasingly leaned Democrat in recent cycles. The finance industry still gives to both parties but has shifted blue in recent years.

  • ✅ 9/10 richest counties are represented by Democrats
    Wealthy counties, especially around D.C., New York, San Francisco, and L.A., overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

  • ✅ 65% of those making over $500K are represented by Democrats
    High-income earners in major metropolitan areas, which tend to be Democrat-controlled, make up a significant share of this demographic.

While Democrats frame Republicans as the “party of the rich,” they themselves now dominate wealthy elites, Wall Street, and high-income voters.Meanwhile, Republicans have gained ground with working-class and rural voters.

 White Supremacists  &  The Alt Right: 

Members of the self-described “alt-right” movement are almost totally disconnected from the conservatism that we know today. They reject most mainstream conservative ideas, such as economics and foreign policy. 

Even Left-leaning biased CNN agrees with this observation – link here.

Don’t Blame Conservatives on Extremists choosing the Republican party

  • The Democratic Party’s increasing focus on minority groups has marginalized working-class white Americans, making them feel excluded and vilified.
  • Traditional values and conservative voices have been dismissed, leading some fringe elements, including white supremacists, to seek political refuge on the right.
  • The shift is not due to shared ideology but rather a reaction to the left’s exclusionary and divisive agenda
  • The mainstream media perpetuates the myth that Republicans embrace extremists while ignoring the real harm caused by Democratic policies.
  • The left’s strategy of using race-based rhetoric for political gain has inadvertently pushed disillusioned individuals, including extremists, away from their ranks.
  • Republicans remain committed to unity, law and order, and equal opportunities, while the left continues to foster division and dependence on political control.

The Southern Poverty Law Center says the alt-right is:
 “a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that ‘white identity’ is under attack by multicultural forces using ‘political correctness’ and ‘social justice’ to undermine white people and ‘their’ civilization” AKA Democrats. 

Modern Racism  Against  White Males

Employment & Workplace Discrimination

  • Affirmative Action & DEI Policies: Some companies have implemented policies that explicitly prioritize hiring or promoting women and minorities over white men, even when qualifications are equal or superior.
  • Race-Based Layoffs: Some companies have laid off white male employees first to meet diversity quotas, such as the reported layoffs in tech companies favoring racial minorities.
  • Hiring Quotas & Reverse Discrimination Lawsuits: Various lawsuits (e.g., Ricci v. DeStefano) have demonstrated that white men have been denied promotions or jobs despite ranking at the top of testing qualifications.
  • Corporate DEI Trainings: Some corporate diversity training programs have promoted messages that stereotype white men as inherently privileged, oppressive, or responsible for societal injustices.

College Admissions & Education Bias

  • Ivy League Admissions Lawsuits: The Supreme Court case Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard found that white and Asian students faced discrimination in admissions compared to black and Hispanic students.
  • Minority-Exclusive Scholarships: Some universities offer scholarships, grants, and programs that explicitly exclude white males from applying.
  • Discriminatory Grading Practices: Some professors have been caught assigning different grading standards based on racial identity.
  • Curriculum Bias: Some schools incorporate teachings that portray white males as inherently oppressive, often under the guise of “anti-racism” or “critical race theory” programs.

Media, Entertainment, and Cultural Stereotyping

  • Negative Portrayals in Movies & TV:
    • White men are often depicted as villains, oppressors, or incompetent fathers, while other groups are portrayed more favorably.
    • Recent years have seen the removal or replacement of white male characters in classic franchises (e.g., The Little Mermaid, Doctor Who, James Bond discussions).
  • Advertising & Marketing:
    • Many modern advertisements depict white men as clueless, lazy, or evil, often in contrast to more competent women or minorities.
    • The 2019 Gillette commercial on “toxic masculinity” framed masculinity (primarily white male masculinity) as inherently problematic.
  • Diversity Casting Quotas:
    • Hollywood and major media companies have implemented diversity quotas that reduce opportunities for white male actors and filmmakers.
  • Banned or Suppressed Voices:
    • White male comedians, authors, and media personalities have been censored, deplatformed, or blacklisted for speaking against mainstream narratives.

Legal & Institutional Bias

  • Hate Crime Laws: Crimes against white males are often not classified as hate crimes, even when racial motivation is evident.
  • Family Court Discrimination:
    • The family court system overwhelmingly favors mothers in custody battles, often at the expense of white fathers.
  • Workplace Harassment Laws:
    • Some companies have policies where only minorities can file discrimination complaints, effectively leaving white males without recourse.
  • Disparate Sentencing:
    • In criminal cases, studies have shown that white male defendants often receive harsher sentences compared to non-white offenders for similar crimes.

Social & Political Discrimination

  • Censorship & Deplatforming:
    • Social media companies have banned white men for expressing views that are deemed controversial, even when similar rhetoric from other groups is tolerated.
  • Exclusion from Diversity Discussions:
    • White men are often told to “sit down and listen” or are excluded from discussions about race, even when those discussions impact them directly.
  • Public School Anti-White Narratives:
    • Some public school programs teach that being white, particularly a white male, is synonymous with “privilege” or “oppression.”
  • Denial of Racism Against Whites:
    • Many institutions refuse to acknowledge racism against white people, arguing that racism is only possible when “power structures” are involved.

Historical & Government Discrimination

  • Biden Administration’s COVID-19 Relief Policies:
    • Some COVID relief programs prioritized businesses owned by minorities and women over white male-owned businesses, leading to lawsuits.
  • Federal Diversity Hiring Mandates:
    • Some federal agencies have announced hiring practices that exclude white males from consideration in the name of increasing diversity.
  • Affirmative Action in Firefighting & Police Departments:
    • White male applicants in some fire and police departments have been denied jobs despite scoring higher on qualification tests.
  • Military Promotions & Quotas:
    • Recent DEI initiatives in the U.S. military have implemented race-based quotas that disadvantage white male service members in promotions.

Reverse Discrimination in Everyday Life

  • “White Men Can’t Speak on Race” Mentality:
    • In many discussions, white males are discouraged from speaking about race-related issues, even when they are the ones being discriminated against.
  • Housing & Business Loan Discrimination:
    • Some programs prioritize loans and grants for businesses owned by minorities, while white male business owners are excluded.
  • Scholarship Exclusion:
    • Various scholarships and grants are explicitly for women and minorities, while white men have fewer opportunities.
  • Job Discrimination in Tech & Media:
    • Tech companies like Google, Twitter, and Facebook have been accused of hiring discrimination against white males in favor of “diverse” candidates.
  • Social Media & Public Shaming:
    • Public figures and ordinary white men have been fired, canceled, or ostracized for making statements that wouldn’t cause controversy if made by another race. 

Biased Left-Wing Media Deception

There are significantly more left-leaning mainstream news sources than right-leaning ones, especially in television, print, and online media. Studies and media bias analyses show that the vast majority of major media organizations lean left in their editorial stance and dictate their narrative. Just some examples of openly admitting they control the narrative or intentionally paint conservatives negatively:
  • CNN’s Bias Exposed (Project Veritas, 2020) A CNN technical director, Charlie Chester, was caught on hidden camera admitting that CNN pushed anti-Trump narratives and used COVID-19 coverage to drive fear. He said, “Our focus was to get Trump out of office, right?” and “We would always show shots of him [Biden] jogging… healthy, you know, and him in aviator shades. Like you paint him as a young geriatric.” This suggests CNN knowingly shaped public perception to favor Democrats. Source
  • MSNBC’s Bias Acknowledged by Former Producer (2020) Ariana Pekary, a former producer at MSNBC, resigned and published an open letter stating that the network prioritized narratives that appealed to its liberal audience rather than objective journalism. She wrote: “We are a cancer and there is no cure. But if you could find a cure, the entire system would have to be uprooted.” She also said MSNBC avoided reporting on issues that might make Democrats look bad. Source
  • New York Times Admitted to Shaping Anti-Trump Coverage (2016) Former NYT editor Liz Spayd admitted in a 2016 op-ed that the paper’s coverage of Trump was overwhelmingly negative and lacked balance. She wrote that readers felt “The Times’ news pages were becoming opinion pagesand that it had “missed the story” of why so many Americans supported Trump. Source
  • The Twitter Files (2022) Released internal communications from Twitter (now X) showed collaboration between government agencies and left-leaning journalists to suppress conservative voices, such as blocking the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election. The same media that discredited the story (CNN, NYT, MSNBC) later admitted the laptop was real—after the election. Source
  • Jon Stewart on Media Bias Although a liberal, Jon Stewart has criticized the left-wing media for hypocrisy. In 2023, he called out CNN and MSNBC for behaving like Fox News in their biased reporting. He has repeatedly acknowledged that leftist media sets narratives that often vilify the right while ignoring flaws in the left. Source
  • NPR’s Internal Reflection on Bias In a 2023 article for The Free Press, NPR editor Uri Berliner discussed how the organization may have lost public trust by approaching news stories with a progressive perspective. He noted that NPR’s framing of stories could lead to perceptions of liberal bias, potentially alienating some listeners. Source
  • BBC’s Acknowledgment of Left-Wing Bias Mark Thompson, former Director-General of the BBC, acknowledged in 2010 that during the late 20th century, the BBC had a significant left-wing bias. He stated that the organization struggled with impartiality, attributing this to the personal politics of its staff at the time. Source
  • MSNBC’s Recognition of Liberal Leanings MSNBC has faced criticism for its liberal bias. In response, senior vice president of NBC News, Phil Griffin, acknowledged that the network’s evening lineup had naturally gravitated to the left, stating, “It happened naturally. There isn’t a dogma we’re putting through. There is a ‘Go for it.'” Source
  • Wikipedia Co-Founder on Left-Wing Bias Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia, has criticized the platform for what he perceives as a left-wing and liberal bias. He argues that Wikipedia’s articles often present an establishment point of view, lacking neutrality on certain political topics. Source
  • Former NPR CEO’s Admission of Liberal Bias In 2017, Ken Stern, former CEO of National Public Radio (NPR), acknowledged a liberal bias within the organization. He noted that liberals outnumber conservatives in the media by approximately 5 to 1, based on a Pew Research Center poll, and shared his own experiences of this imbalance during his tenure at NPR. Source
  • Admission of Media Bias in Coverage of President Biden’s Health In 2024, several left-leaning media outlets, including The New York Times, faced criticism for previously downplaying concerns about President Biden’s health. Following a particularly poor debate performance, these outlets began to acknowledge and report on his cognitive decline, leading to accusations of media bias Source
  • Admission of Guilt by CBS in doctoring Kamala Harris Interview CNN reported on an FCC probe into CBS’s alleged deceptive editing of a Kamala Harris interview, which exposed her struggling with responses and appearing incoherent in the raw footage. Donald Trump criticized CBS for media manipulation, sued for $1 billion, and the FCC is now investigating potential violations, while political analysts debate Harris’s future within the Democratic Party. Source

There’s substantial evidence that left-leaning entities, including government agencies, NGOs, and wealthy donors, have strategically influenced media narratives to favor their political agenda.

  • Media Ownership & Bias: Major media outlets are owned or funded by left-leaning billionaires (e.g., Jeff Bezos with The Washington Post, Laurene Powell Jobs with The Atlantic). Legacy media overwhelmingly supports Democrat policies while demonizing the right.

  • Government & NGO Influence: Leaks and whistleblower reports have revealed that government agencies like the FBI, CIA, and USAID funnel money into “independent” media projects that align with leftist talking points. USAID, for example, has been caught funding media outlets in foreign countries to push progressive ideologies. Domestically, similar tactics are applied through grants and partnerships.

  • Big Tech Collusion: Twitter Files, released in 2023, proved that platforms like Twitter (now X), Facebook, and Google actively worked with government agencies to suppress conservative voices under the guise of “misinformation” control.

  • Media Framing & Censorship: Notice how the same talking points appear across multiple outlets? That’s not a coincidence. Media narratives are coordinated, and dissenting views, even from within their own ranks, are often silenced or discredited.

Essentially, the left has weaponized media influence, not just through ownership but also through funding streams, partnerships, and censorship mechanisms. The goal? Control public perception and steer elections. 

Democrat Led Cities Failing:

For the past 50 years, cities like Oakland, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, Chicago, and San Francisco, Philadelphia — documented as being the “most challenged” in terms of crime, financial instability, social hardship, and homelessness — have been consistently led by Democratic leadership.
The Democratic Party’s policies have disproportionately impacted Black American communities in these areas, INCREASING Black-on-Black Crime, (while claiming its a BLM issue) while other minority groups, such as Asian Americans (who were not targeted) are more successful than even White Americans. How:
  • Welfare Dependency: Welfare policies may have led to cycles of dependency rather than economic independence, creating barriers to self-sufficiency.
  • Educational Disparities: Underfunded public schools in Democrat-led areas have limited access to quality education, hindering social mobility for Black students.
  • Housing Segregation*: Historical policies like redlining, often supported by Democrats, resulted in racially segregated neighborhoods with lasting impacts on poverty and access to resources.
  • Urban Management: Democrat-led cities with high Black populations often face persistent poverty and crime, suggesting local leadership has struggled to improve conditions.
  • Limited Economic Mobility: Policies that raise taxes and regulate businesses in these areas may have limited job opportunities and wealth-building in Black communities.
  • Dismantled Families: – By prioritizing individual support over family-centered policies, welfare programs have contributed to a cultural shift where marriage became less common among low-income families.


Moreover, by these measures above, they are increasing violence in the black communities, especially black-on-black crime, and instead are insisting they are police on black crimes.

  • Democrats Bringing Back Segregation: How is the Liberal party covertly still acting as racists? Watch this video on how Liberals are encouraging Segregation.

2025 Pole by Left Leaning CNN

Democrat Leadership:

Ideology First, Citizens (you) Last.

Conservatives focus inward out: family, community, and nation first, while Liberals focus outward in, something more than their own families. 

Resources are limited—helping those closest to you first is just common sense. Yet, Democrat policies weaken families, push for state-controlled parenting, ignore homelessness, enable single-parent households, and blow funds on USAID charities that don’t fix issues here with local minotiries or underprivleged.  This is a socialist agenda that strives on this reliance, making people dependent on the state rather than self-sufficient.

These policies don’t just fail—they actively harm the very people they claim to support. Prioritizing your own community first isn’t exclusionary; it’s how strong societies function, supporting those in need that you can directly impact locally.

Liberals/Conservatives  vs  
Male/Female Brains

Category Liberals – Right Brained (Feeling-Based) Conservatives Left Brained (Logic-Based)
Example Politics “I hate Trump because he’s divisive and hurts people’s feelings.” “Trump is egotistical, but Logically his leadership is effective.”
DEI needs to hire blind Airline Pilots too, it’s so sad for them not to have a chance. Airline pilots need to be qualified for the job at hand, even if you reject others.
Empathy, inclusivity, nurturing values Structure, hierarchy, self-reliance, treat perception
Focus Emotional appeals, social justice, interconnectedness Logic, tradition, pragmatism over emotional appeals, stability
Decision-Making Emotion-driven, adaptable, focused on social harmony, non militant Logic-driven, risk-averse, preference for stability, militant
Risk & Change Comfortable with uncertainty, embraces reform and progress Prefers stability, order, and traditional values
Cognitive Style Prioritizes empathizing
(collective well-being, social policies)
Prioritizes systemization
(patterns, rules, hierarchy)

USAID Fraud – Loopholes of Wealthy Democrats

For decades, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has been unaccountable to taxpayers as it funnels massive sums of money to the ridiculous — and, in many cases, malicious — pet projects of entrenched bureaucrats, with next-to-no oversight.

A few examples of the WASTE and ABUSE:

  • $1.5 million to “advance DEI in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities”
  • $70,000 for production of a “DEI musical” in Ireland
  • $2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam
  • $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia
  • $32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru
  • $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala
  • $6 million to fund tourism in Egypt
  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations — even AFTER an inspector general launched an investigation
  • Millions to EcoHealth Alliance — which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab
  • “Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria”
  • Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries
  • Hundreds of millions of dollars to fund “irrigation canals, farming equipment, and even fertilizer used to support the unprecedented poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan,” benefiting the Taliban
  • Funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology: Senator Joni Ernst highlighted that USAID allocated approximately $1 million to the Wuhan lab, suggesting potential links to the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Aid to Terrorist-Linked Entities: There have been claims that USAID provided $9 million in aid that allegedly reached terrorist organizations. Additionally, USAID’s contractor, Chemonics, faced accusations of overbilling and providing kickbacks to terrorists, resulting in a $3.1 million settlement.

  • Cultural and Educational Programs: Critics have pointed to expenditures such as $70,000 for the production of a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) musical in Ireland, $47,000 on a transgender opera in Colombia, and $32,000 for a transgender comic in Peru. These programs have been labeled as wasteful or misaligned with USAID’s core mission.

  • Support for LGBTQ+ Initiatives Abroad: Allocations like $1.5 million for LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion in Serbia have been criticized as promoting specific social agendas rather than focusing on humanitarian aid.

  • Infrastructure Projects in Foreign Countries: Expenditures such as $2.5 million to build electric vehicle chargers in Vietnam and $6 million for tourism promotion in Egypt have been questioned for their relevance to U.S. foreign aid objectives.

The list literally goes on and on — and it has all been happening for decades.

Under President Trump, the waste, fraud, and abuse ENDS NOW.  Source


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