Black Crime & Democrats

1968 Gun Control Act – “to Control Blacks”

    • Democrat Anti-gun journalist Robert Sherrill admitted that the Gun Control Act was “passed not to control guns but to control Blacks.”
    • Democrat Gun Control Laws are Designed To Disarm Slaves And Black Americans. Link

      The law expanded the federal list of prohibited persons, including those with felony convictions, which disproportionately affected Black men due to systemic over-policing.

        • Bans on mail-order guns: One of the justifications for the law was that Lee Harvey Oswald had purchased a rifle via mail-order. However, a secondary effect was limiting Black Panther Party members’ access to firearms.
        • License and record-keeping requirements: These provisions made it easier for the government to track and restrict gun sales, a measure that critics argue was selectively enforced against minority groups.

      Democrat-backed gun control policies continue to affect Black Americans disproportionately:

        • “Universal background checks” and “red flag laws” are often used to disarm minorities in crime-ridden areas.
        • Strict gun laws in cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles effectively disarm law-abiding Black citizens while criminals remain armed.
        • Mandatory gun licensing and high fees make legal firearm ownership more difficult for lower-income Americans, disproportionately affecting Black and Hispanic communities.

How Black People Have Been Cheated by Democrats
and the Rise of  Black-on-Black Crime

FBI Uniform Crime Report (2016):

  • Since the Black Lives Matter movement began in 2014, the number of black murder victims has surged by 900%.

  • The overwhelming majority of these victims were killed by black criminals, not police or white individuals.

The Washington Post’s Fatal Force Database:

  • The number of black individuals killed by police decreased over three years:

    • 2015: 259

    • 2016: 233

    • 2017 (as of October 12): 175

  • Police murders increased by 53% in 2016.

  • Of the 233 black males killed by police in 2016, only 16 were unarmed. Most of those cases involved the suspect attempting to take the officer’s weapon, physically overwhelming the officer, or similar confrontational situations.

Dr. Richard Johnson (Criminologist, University of Toledo) – 2012 American Crime Study:

  • Black males are 40 times more likely to be killed by other black males than by police officers.

  • Fewer than 400 people were killed by police officers in 2012:

    • 61% were white

    • 32% were black

  • Black males, who make up 6.5% of the U.S. population, commit 52% of all murders.

  • Blacks are:

    • 27% more likely to attack whites than whites are to attack blacks.

    • 8% more likely to attack Hispanics.

    • 93% of all black murder victims are killed by other black individuals.

  • Black offenders rob white victims 12 times more often than vice versa.

2014 Data:

  • Over 6,000 black-on-black murders, exceeding both white-on-white and Hispanic-on-Hispanic murders combined.

  • U.S. Department of Justice: Police use of force occurs primarily where officers interact most frequently with violent criminals, armed suspects, and those resisting arrest—disproportionately in black neighborhoods.

America’s 75 Largest Counties (2009 Data):

  • Black individuals accounted for:

    • 62% of robbery defendants

    • 57% of murder defendants

    • 45% of assault defendants

    • Yet, they comprise only 15% of the population

New York City Crime Statistics:

  • Blacks make up 23% of NYC’s population but commit 75% of shootings.

  • Whites make up 34% of NYC’s population but commit less than 2% of shootings.

  • A police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be murdered by a black male than vice versa.

  • Black males aged 14-17 commit murder at 10 times the rate of white and Hispanic teenage males combined.

  • Black males of all ages murder at 8 times the rate of white and Hispanic males combined.

  • 40% of police killers are black, despite black individuals comprising only 15% of the population.

The “Ferguson Effect” and Rising Crime Rates:

  • Since 2015, crime rates have risen due to community leaders in inner cities demanding police scale back patrols in high-crime areas.

  • In cities with large black populations, murder rates have increased dramatically:

    • Washington, DC: +54%

    • Cleveland, OH: +90%

  • America’s 56 largest cities experienced a 17% increase in murders.

  • Crime statisticians have labeled this the “Ferguson Effect”—where false narratives lead to reduced policing, resulting in increased crime and violence.

Harvard University Study (Prof. Roland Fryer):

  • Analyzed 10,000 officer-involved shootings and found no racial bias.

  • In Houston, TX, whites were 24% more likely than blacks to be shot by police.

University of Washington Study (2015 – Researcher Lois James):

  • Found that cops were less likely to shoot black suspects than white ones.

Decline in Police Shootings of Black Individuals:

  • From 1975 to 2015, police shootings of black individuals declined by 75%.

  • Police shootings of white individuals remained unchanged.

Washington Post Crime Study (2015):

  • Only 16 unarmed black men were shot in the U.S. in 2015—out of a population of 20 million black Americans.

  • These cases were heavily scrutinized, and when wrongdoing was proven (e.g., Charleston, SC), officers were convicted.

  • Many police shootings involve officers defending themselves against:

    • Suspects trying to take their weapons

    • Being physically overpowered by stronger individuals or multiple attackers

  • Considering hundreds of thousands of officers engaging in millions of police interactions daily, such incidents are statistically negligible.

  • The media’s narrative of systemic police racism is not supported by facts.

The data is clear. If you disagree, let’s see your facts. Prove that this is BS. Open-minded, right? This is the test.

BLM  charity creators are millionairs today

Cheated the system and profited themselves

The truth censored by Liberal Media, on
George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin

Concerns about the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) and its financial practices have been raised, particularly regarding allegations of mismanagement and lack of accountability. In 2020, BLMGNF reportedly raised around $90 million, mainly due to increased donations following the protests against racial injustice. However, many local chapters expressed frustration over not receiving substantial support from the organization, with claims that they had received little to no financial assistance​

Key figures in BLMGNF, such as co-founder Patrisse Cullors, have faced scrutiny regarding their compensation and financial practices. Reports indicated that Cullors purchased multiple properties, which led to questions about whether personal financial gain was involved. Cullors stated that her purchases were not funded by BLM donations but rather through personal income from other sources, including book deals​

The BLMGNF has been criticized for a lack of transparency in its financial dealings and governance structure. Many chapters have called for more accountability and clearer financial reporting​


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