Entrepreneur | Investments | Development  | Charity  | Consulting

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts” – Marcus Aurelius

Locations Houston, TX / Scottsdale, AZ 
Parent Entity Wolfram Management
Founder Afflatus
Co-Founder / COO AssetBull
Co-Founder / COO C2T Services
Co-Founder / COO CommissionFundsX
Co-Founder / COO EARN Charity
Founder GarageShield
Co-Founder MBPS
Co-Founder MCV Marketing
EmailEmail: Email
TeamsTeams: Chat Link
ZoomZoom: AWZoom.com
CalendarCalendly: AWCalendar.com
Phone(833) WOL-FRAM
PO Box1940 Fountain View Dr Ste 1124 Houston TX 77057
ExperienceMBA / Marine Corps Vet / Starbucks Addict


LocationsHouston, TX / Scottsdale, AZ
Parent EntityWolfram Management
Co-Founder / COOAssetBull
Co-Founder / COOC2T Services
Co-Founder / COOCommissionFundsX
Co-Founder / COOEARN Charity
Co-FounderMCV Marketing
EmailEmail: Email
TeamsTeams: Chat Link
ZoomZoom: AWZoom.com
CalendarCalendly: AWCalendar.com
Phone(833) WOL-FRAM
PO Box1940 Fountain View Dr Ste 1124 Houston TX 77057
ExperienceMBA / Marine Corps Vet / Starbucks Addict

Wolfram Management

Investment | Management  
Charity  | Consulting​ | Start Ups 

LOCATION:Houston, TX – Scottsdale, AZ
InvolvementPartner / COO: AssetBull
Co-Founder: EARN Charity
Co-Founder: CFX 
Founder: GarageShield
Co-Founder: C2T Services
Owner: Afflatus
Co-Founder: C2T Services 
Co-Founder: MCV Marketing
Co-Founder: MBPS
EMAIL:Click For Email: Email
TEAMS:Click for Teams: Chat Link
ZOOM:Click for Zoom:  AWZoom.com
EXPERIENCE:MBA / Marine Corps Vet / Starbucks Addict


“We Live in a Participatory Universe
That Continues to Build Itself “

-John Archibald Wheeler

“Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy; this is physics.”

– Albert Einstein


Multidisciplinary Exposure
DISC - High C Personality - Strong Organizational Skills 
Procedural / Process Development
Systems Implementation & Product Development
WordPress / Photoshop / Illustrator / Mac / PC / iOS / Web
Contract Negotiation & General office Leadership
Industrial / Business Psychology
Experienced Leadership & Communication (USMC)
Needs Analysis, Problem Solving
Procedural / Process Development (yep said it twice!)
SalesForce & Building CRM's
E-Commerce, Amazon, PPC Marketing

The Most Valuable Currency Is Not Money, but Presence.
Invest in What Matters Most.
Balance Your Spirtual and Entrepreneur Endevors.


Alex explores a diverse spectrum of topics, including Consciousness, Mathematics, Science, Government, Conspiracies, Health, Psychology, History, Religion, Philosophy, Sociology, Technology, Economics, Culture, Mythology, Astrology, Spirituality, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology / Psychology. 

Driven by a profound curiosity about the intricacies of life, Alex seeks to understand complex systems, challenge conventional perspectives, and uncover the deeper truths of human existence. Guided by a belief in the interconnectedness of disciplines, Alex combines practical insights with transcendent exploration, striving to weave a holistic understanding of reality.


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