Gnostic Resurrection


  • 📖 Gnostic Perspective: Gnostics view Jesus as a revealer of truth rather than a redeemer, emphasizing inner knowledge over external salvation.
    • Gospel of Mary: Enlightenment through self-awareness.
    • Gospel of Thomas: Enlightenment through self-discovery.
    • Gospel of Philip: Enlightenment through sacred union.
    • Gospel of Judas: Enlightenment through secret knowledge.
    • Gospel of Peter: Enlightenment through resurrection.
    • Gospel of the Hebrews: Enlightenment through spiritual fulfillment.
    • Gospel of Truth: Enlightenment through divine knowledge.
  • đŸ”„ Resurrection in the Present: The resurrection is not as an event after death but as an experience of awakening to one’s true nature in the present life.
  • 🔑 Demiurge / VR: The physical world is seen as a trap created by a flawed deity, entraping divine sparks within physical bodies (or perhaps the software programmer of the simulation?).
  • ✹ Miracle Symbolism: Jesus’s miracles symbolize spiritual enlightenment, emphasizing mastery over the material world rather than mere physical acts.
  • đŸ„– Last Supper: The bread and wine represent spiritual nourishment rather than physical sacrifice, focusing on internal awakening.
  • 💡 Inner Divine Spark: True knowledge and salvation come from recognizing and awakening the divine spark within ( Sacred Secretion)
  • đŸ‘©Â Sophia: Seen as Christ’s spiritual counterpart, embodying divine masculine and feminine harmony, their union symbolizes redemption and the restoration of balance in both the spiritual and human experience.
  • 🌈 Hope: Sophia’s story serves as a reminder that mistakes are part of the human journey and that resurection is always attainable.
  • 📜 Essene Gospel of Peace: Emphasizes Vegetarianism, fasting, and bodily cleansing as part of spiritual purity. Jesus teaching about natural living, vegetarianism, and purifying the body through connection with “Mother Earth”, aligning with the broader Gnostic focus on freeing the spirit from material corruption.
  • 🍎 Diet: Diet and harmony key in reaching enlightenment.
  • 🧘 New You: The end of your spiritual awakening feels like everything has STOPPED, but it marks the start of profound transformation through calm integration, heightened sensitivity, realigned relationships, and living as your highest self. link



While traditional teachings portray Jesus as a savior who dies to atone for humanity’s sins, Gnostic texts like the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Philip present a radically different view. For the Gnostics, Jesus isn’t a redeemer but a revealer of truth, awakening us to reality that the material world is a trap created by a lesser deity known as the Demiurge [or, the computer programmer of this simulation? This Gnostic (meaning knowledge) perspective emphasizes inner knowledge and self-discovery as the paths to salvation, rather than following external doctrines or rituals.

The Gnostics believe the physical body is a prison for the divine spark within us, and Jesus’s role is to guide humanity toward spiritual liberation. His teachings and miracles, interpreted symbolically, aim to awaken this divine spark rather than perform physical acts of healing. Central to Gnostic thought is the idea that spiritual enlightenment comes from within; we must internalize Jesus’s teachings to achieve true understanding and transformation.

Further/possibly: the Jesus narrative could also be part of the Sacred Secretion process to awakening.

The resurrection is not a future, physical rising from the dead but a present, spiritual awakening that transcends ignorance, material attachments, and the illusions of the physical world to attain gnosis (direct knowledge of the divine). This process represents the liberation of the spirit from the material realm, often viewed as a realm of entrapment created by the demiurge. Through inner awakening and enlightenment, the individual reconnects with their divine origin, experiencing a personal and mystical “resurrection” of the soul to its higher, true self.

Ultimately, the Gnostic perspective on Jesus reimagines his purpose—shifting the focus from redemption and atonement to awakening and liberation. It invites us to seek the divine truth within ourselves.


The Process

In Gnostic concept, to “resurrect” while still living, means undergoing a profound spiritual awakening—a transformation of consciousness that allows you to transcend the limitations of the material world and reconnect with your divine essence, awakening to your true self, freeing your spirit from the limitations of the physical and mental constructs, and living a life here in the material world while still reflecting your divine nature.

It’s not about escaping life but transforming how you experience it. This process involves several key steps:

  • Seek Gnosis (Knowledge)
    • Gnosis is direct, experiential knowledge of the divine. It’s not acquired through doctrine or dogma but through inner insight and spiritual experiences.
    • Practices like meditation, introspection, and contemplation help access this knowledge.
  • Recognize the Illusions of the Material World
    • View the material world as a creation of the demiurge or an illusion (simulation maybe) that traps the divine spark within us.
    • To resurrect, you must detach from material desires, ego-driven ambitions, and societal illusions, seeing them as distractions from your true spiritual nature.
  • Awaken the Divine Spark
    • A piece of the divine resides within everyone—a “divine spark.”
    • Awakening this spark requires aligning with higher spiritual truths and realizing your connection to the divine source.
  • Die to the Ego
    • The “death” in resurrection is metaphorical. It refers to the dissolution of the ego—the false self created by identification with the material world.
    • This involves letting go of fear, pride, and attachments that hinder spiritual growth.
  • Live in the Spirit
    • Once awakened, you live from a place of higher consciousness. Your actions, thoughts, and relationships reflect this spiritual awareness.
    • You embody virtues like love, wisdom, and compassion, prioritizing spiritual truths over material concerns.
  • Participate in Mystical Practices
    • Many Gnostics used rituals, sacred texts, and esoteric teachings to aid in the process of resurrection ( Sacred Secretion).
    • Engaging with practices like meditation, prayer, or communion with the divine can guide you on this journey.
  • Integrate the Experience
    • Resurrection isn’t a one-time event but an ongoing process of integrating higher consciousness into daily life.
    • It’s about living in alignment with spiritual truths while still engaging with the world, transforming it through your enlightened perspective.
  • Draw Inspiration 
    • Sophia’s fall and redemption serve as a spiritual blueprint for passing these tests (below). Her story teaches that even in the depths of error and suffering, the soul’s divine origin remains intact and even in moments of darkness, the path back to the divine is always accessible. . By reflecting on Sophia’s perseverance, yearning for truth, and eventual reunification with the Pleroma, individuals can find the courage and inspiration to navigate their own trials. Her journey demonstrates that the resurrection of the soul is not only possible but inevitable for those who persist, offering hope and wisdom on the path to spiritual awakening.


The 7 Spiritual Tests:

  1. Confronting the True Self
    Endure the fear of losing who you think you are to uncover who you truly are.
  2. The Test of Isolation
    Embracing physical, mental, and emotional solitude, laying the foundation for more authentic relationships.
  3. Letting Go
    Releasing attachments to outcomes, people, and the past, learning to trust in the creation process.
  4. The Dark Night of the Soul
    Enduring profound inner turmoil and the collapse of perceived stability to discover deeper truths about yourself.
  5. The Test of Faith
    Trust in the creation process, even when the path is unclear (such as the Dark Night of the Soul).
  6. The Test of Surrender
    Surrender illusions and ego-driven desires to reclaim your true power and align with your divine essence.
  7. The Test of Awakening
    Realizing your purpose and understanding the interconnectedness that all is one, and that I am the I am.


7 signs suggesting someone may possess an old soul, according to supporters of reincarnation and spiritual philosophy:

  1. Feeling Out of Place
    From a young age, old souls often feel they don’t belong in this world. They may display behaviors or interests more fitting for wise adults, leading to a sense of being misunderstood or labeled as “different.”

  2. Preference for Solitude
    Old souls often seek quiet and solitude, preferring deep contemplation or meaningful activities over noisy social settings or shallow interactions.

  3. Strong Intuition
    Their intuition is highly developed, enabling quick, accurate decisions and a sense of foresight that may protect them from danger or guide their actions.

  4. Altruism and Compassion
    A hallmark of an old soul is their deep empathy and selfless desire to help others or to be an example on to others.  

  5. Resilience and Strength
    Life’s hardships don’t easily shake old souls. They view challenges as opportunities for growth, accepting difficulties with calmness and determination.

  6. Harmony with Nature
    Old souls feel a profound connection to the natural world. They draw energy and peace from spending time outdoors and often believe in the interconnectedness of all living beings.

  7. Philosophical Perspective
    They approach life with wisdom and see failures and mistakes as steps toward personal development. Their perspective is deeply philosophical, focusing on understanding life’s deeper meanings.


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