Conspiracy Theories That Became Fact
Not trusting the government doesn’t make you a “conspiracy theorist”… It makes you a history buff.
Editor note: In the 1990s, I personally had the opportunity to have a private conversation at my home with a Chief Editor from Time magazine. I asked him how much of the content produced was reviewed and approved by the U.S. government before publication. His response was, “All of it.”
Let that sink in.
If the US GOV has a history of disinformation (see below), how can you be sure all the “crazy conspiracies” weren’t created just to hide the truth? A form of plausible deniability? Especially with all the real ‘conspiracies’ that at one time sounded insane (Click each for source Link):
- AATIP – US Gov tracks UFOs as legit
- Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination wasn’t a Solo Event
- Abu Ghraib Torture and Prisoner Abuse
- Agent Orange Health Risks
- Asbestos is Safe
- Atomic Bomb Production Hidden from 130,000
- Bayer Factor VIII Contamination Scandal
- Bayer Medicine Causes AIDS
- Biden Ukraine linked Finances
- Big Tobacco Buried Evidence
- Bilderberg Group
- Blackbox Scandal
- Bohemian Grove
- CIA and Salvador Allende
- CIA Tibetan Program
- Chicago Black Sites
- COINTELPRO – “Discredit and Neutralize”
- COVID Started in Wuhan Lab
- Church Committee Finding
- Donald Trump Russian Collusion Claim by Hilary
- Dreyfus Affair
- Experiments on US Military Personnel
- Flint Water Crisis
- Fluoride and
- Gary Webb linked the CIA & Crack Cocaine
- Gay Bomb
- Government Poisoned Alcohol
- Guantanamo Bay
- Gulf of Tonkin Fake Battle
- CIA Heart Attack Gun
- Hunter Biden’s Laptop
- Incubator Baby
- Iran Contra
- JFK Missiles Turkey
- Joe Biden Ukraine and China
- Joe Biden’s Dementia
- John Lennon Government Surveillance
- Lightbulb Conspiracy
- Manhatten Project
- MK Ultra
- NDAA – National Defense Authorization Act
- NSA Spying – Presidents Surveillance Program
- Operation Ajax
- Operation Chaos
- Operation Gladio
- Occupation of Hawaii
- Operation Fast and Furious
- Operation Northwoods
- Operation Paperclip
- Operation Snow White
- Operation Mockingbird
- Research Integrity – Fake Studies
- Ruby Ridge
- The “Fruit Machine”
- The Mafia isn’t Real
- The Panama Papers
- The Pentagon Papers
- The Reichstag Fire
- The Twitter Files
- Tuskegee Experiments
- Patriot Act & Unchecked Power
- Project Mockingbird (not Operation Mockingbird)
- Project Sunshine – The Dead Baby Project
- President Wilson Stroke – First Lady Ran USA
- Stargate Project
- Unit 731
- USS Iowa Turret Explosion
- Cancer-Causing Vaccine Contamination with SV40
- Watergate Scandal
- World Trade Center Building 7 – Undecided Evidence