Consciousness Inner-Outer Worlds
One of my favorite films!
“Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds” is a thought-provoking documentary directed by Daniel Schmidt that explores the connection between human consciousness and the universe. Released in 2012, the film presents a deep philosophical examination of existence, drawing on insights from various spiritual and scientific traditions, including Buddhism, Taoism, and quantum physics.
The documentary is divided into four parts, each addressing different aspects of consciousness and reality. It posits that there is a singular vibratory field, often referred to as Akasha or the primordial OM, that connects all things. This underlying energy is presented as the basis for both spiritual experiences and scientific inquiry, suggesting that our perceptions of reality are intricately tied to our inner worlds and mental states.
Acclaimed for its stunning visuals and original score, the film utilizes fractal animations and cymatic patterns to illustrate complex concepts. It encourages viewers to reflect on their own consciousness and the nature of existence, promoting a deeper understanding of how we shape our realities through thought and perception(Wikipedia)(Top Documentary Films).
“Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds” has been well-received, winning several awards at international film festivals and praised for its artistic and intellectual depth(Wikipedia).
It invites viewers on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, making it a significant contribution to the documentary genre focused on consciousness and spirituality.